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The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche emphasized the creative power in the tension between attitudes, values and qualities, associated with which two Greek gods? - Apollo and Dionysus In the temptation story in Genisis, the serpent tells the truth when he informs the two that should they eat of the apple, they will not die. - TRUE Literary critics distinguish romance literature from the novel on the basis of what distinction? Wonder vs. realism As described by Rudolf Otto, the term "numinous" refers to: - a non rational. Non-sensory experience or feeling whose primary and immediate object is outside the shelf Which of the following terms is relevant to a discussion of strategies used by Shirley Jackson in her story, The lottery? - complicit reader In the context of the story of Cain and Abel. Stories about farmers and shepherds are common in the ancient near east. Which of the following statements is true?: Usually in these ancient near eastern myths, the farmer bests the shepherd. This is untrue of Ancient Greece: The Greek polis (city-state) was mostly secular, and rejected religion The stories read in the course were chosen because they are part of the western canon, part of the heritage and tradition of religious. literature. Who wrote these words? "The idea of heritage... is one of the more appropriate expressions for the efficacy of the past [and] can be interpreted as the fusion of the ideas of a debt and a tradition? Paul Ricouer Part of what it means to say that Don Quixote is the first novel is that: it is the product of an authorial and receptive consciousness that one is involved in a fiction, but a fiction that represents reality The Book of Job employs a legalistic metaphor One reason the Grimm tales took root in European Culture is that: they stepped in to fill a spiritual void created by the erosion of religious faith and practice in the modern era Shakespeare's father, John Shakespeare was a catholic Most true of Homer's illiad - Brevity of life is no objection to the world, but all the more reason to live life to the fullest, which in the Homeric world, meant dying gloriously in battle. Historically speaking, the Christian Gospels emerged in a cultural climate of: - religious syncretism and violent upheaval Some interpreters suggest that the author of the Book of Job was: break the connection between traditional notions that viewed God as both all powerful and completely just
The German philosopher Karl Jaspers called the period in history during which tragedy emerged a the “axial age” In The Bacchae, who speaks these lines: "Trust me, Pentheus. Don't be too confident a soverei seems right to you, but vour mind's diseased, don't think that's wisdom. So welcome this god into y then celebrate these Bacchic rites with garlands on your head.": Tiresias Based strictly on the text of Genesis, why does god create humankind?: - because he desired an “image” of himself When Laertes, at Opehlia's graveside asks. 'What ceremony else, he was expressing a widespread societal concern over: • changes to funeral rites that accompanied Protestant reforms. true about Dostoevsky: he was opposed to all forms of social Utopianism, which he understood in terms of the limitations placed on human freedom A literary classic of the ancient near east is the Epic of Gilgamesh, which contains a flood story similar to that found in Genesis. • In the Genesis flood, we are given a reason for the destruction of the world: moral corruption, great evil in the hearts of men. In ancient Athens there was practiced an annual rite of cleansing or puritication in which two individuals of lowly status, known as pharmoki were humillated and expelled from the city. The Brother's Karamazov (Omitri., Ivan and Alyosha) In Dostoevsky's great novel represent various values and woridviews. Which of tr following is a correct description of the brothers? Aloysha is a believer and Ivan is a skeptical atheist. 1. According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus' last audible words from the cross were "Elo, eloi, lema sabachthani7 which mear 1. What does it profit persons to gain the whole world and lose their own soul? 2. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (*) 4. Why do you call me Lord. Lord," and do not what I teach?: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Shakespeare's sense of death was harsh and unremitting His attitude towards death generates a moral sense of: • Perseverance
Which of the following statements best describes refigion in ancient Greece, as exemplified in the /fiad.: Religion Involved a mix of rational and abstract Olypianism with chontic, fertility and earth-based spirituality. Who wrote the following. in their reflections on the aesthetics of the sublime? "The sublime: it comes upon us in the gloomy forest, and in the howling wilderness, in the form of the lion, the tiger, the panther, or rhinoceros. Whenever strength is only useful, and employed for our benefit or our pleasure, then it is never sublime: for nothing can act agreeably to us, that does not act in conformity to our will; but to act agreeably to our will. it must be subject to us, and therefore can never be the cause of a grand and commanding conception?: Edmund Burke Which of the following symbols in Sula poin ts most directly to the presence of the sacred?: - four Aeschylus, one of the great three Greek tragedians, referred to his own work as but slices from the great banquet of Homer." • True the story of the Grand Inquisitor. Jesus returns to earth in what place and time ~ 160 century Spain Which story employs the metaphor of love? • Sula Which of the Gods is Zeus speaking of in the following lines? You hypocrite, don't sit there whining at me. Among the gods who live on Mount Olympus, you're the one I hate the most. For you love war, constant strife and battle." ares According to Stephen Greenblatt the mood of the play Hamlet: - derives from cultural uncertainty over changes to death rites Which of the following is not a quality typically associated with the god Dionysus? rationality In chapter 20 of Don Quiaxte: struggle through the darkness, hungry and thirsty, and tempted by the sound of water. An overarching theme of Don Quixote is that: - Quixote thinks he is living in an age of decline.
The style of the language of Genesis is: highly stylized, yet simple The origins and formations of the Hebrew bible was influenced by which two great national disasters? : the Babylonian conquests and the destruction of the Jerusalem temple by the romans. In the context of the story Cain and Abel, stories about farmers and shepherds are common in the ancient near east. Which of the following statements is true?: Usually, in these ancient near eastern myths, the farmer bests the shepherd. The Book of Job employs a legalistic metaphor. Job's friends suggest to him that: since God is just, Job must somehow deserve his suffering. In the temptation story in Genesis, from a literal perspective, the serpent tells the truth when he informs the two that should they eat of the apple, they will not die: True Based strictly on the text of Genesis, why does God create humankind? Because he desired an "image" of himself. Thucydides wrote a history of: the Peloponnesian War. In the first two chapters of Genesis, there are two distinct names used to refer to "God." These names are: 'elohim and yahweh 'elohim "Nephilim" is a Hebrew word meaning "the adversary", and refers to archaic judicial ideas about justice: FALSE Which of the following is not typically associated with Greek tragedy?: Its capacity to bind individuals into a community. In The Bacchae, the chorus tells us that Pentheus violated which "law"?: The need to show reverence for the gods. According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus' last words from the cross were “ Eloi, eloi, lema sabachthani?” Which means: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Of all the messianic expectations circulating in Jesus's time, the one characteristic not associated with the messiah is that the messiah would uffer and wind up tortured to death through crucifixion.: TRUE Which of the following is not a quality typically associated with the god Dionysus?: rationality Death in the Iliad: is similar to attitudes towards death found in the Hebrew Bible. The Homeric gods are: the embodiment of timeless forces.
The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche emphasized the creative power in the tension between attitudes, values, and qualities associated with which two Greek gods?: Apollo and Dionysus The Iliad: aspires to transport the reader away from the earthly realm to the realm of the gods. The genre of romance popular in the era of Cervantes had been the dominant literature in Spain for several centuries.: True Which of the following is included in Ovid's poetry: all of the above The main vehicle for transmitting the memory of Jesus in the earliest Christian communities was through the written gospels.: FALSE Which of the following statements is false?: The term "Christ" derives from the Latin word for "crucifixion." Which of the following is not one of the common types of literary material found in the Gospel of Mark?: Cosmology In the discussion between A.M. Homes and Debora Triesman on Jackson's The Lottery, Triesman: favours the experience of reading over interpretation. In his interview of Christ, the Grand Inquisitor of Ivan’s story accuses him of not providing people with security. Which of the following securities is not of apparent concern to the Grand Inquisitor?: Spiritual At the end of Journey to the East, H.H. finds himself in a: vast archive Which of the following terms is relevant to a discussion of strategies used by Shirley Jackson' in her story, The Lottery?: complicit reader The First World War or Great War caused: Great cultural and religious change HOMER’S THE ILIAD Dorian Invasion - In the second millennium BCE, successive waves of Greek speaking Indo-Europeans invaded the territory now known as Greece, the lands around the Aegean and Ionian seas. They brought with them a heroic, patriarchal pantheon of gods and "Doren invasresided over by the great sky god Zeus. Scholars refer to this period of conquest and settlement as the During the Dorian invasion, the existing gods and goddesses of earth and fertility were replaced by or integrated into the Olympian pantheon. Epic - The form or genre represented by the lliad and Odyssey is the epic. a. Epic - for the Greeks, this meant a long poem, written in a specific poetic meter.
b. The Iliad (about war) and Odyssey (about a journey) were so influential in the ancient world that they became the paradigmatic examples of the epic genre. c. The classical Greeks distinguished between lyric or poetic works (where the narrator speaks in first person, often with his back to the audience), epic (where the narrator speaks in his own voice but allows others to speak in theirs, and drama, (where the characters do all the talking). d. In time, the term epic came to denote any lengthy treatment of thematic material having to do with adventure, war, conquest, journeys e. For readers, genres are sets of conventions and expectations. Tolkein's Lord of the Rings is epic because of its scope (a quest) and length. Homeric values - honour and glory seen as super important, all people created equal? Yet we seek excellence and whatnot. Hellenic vs heroic values. Immortality vs death and resurrection. Live life to the fullest - hellenic says die in glorious battle. Elevating traditional values. Pride was important, be ready to defend it. Moria - An important aspect of Homeric thought is the notion of moira - the Greek word for fate; it refers to the sense that, in hindsight, certain outcomes were inevitable. When something happens-if someone dies, for example-their death at the moment becomes part of their fate. God-talk in Homer creates a sense of patterned fate at work. Homer's Gods - The gods seem at times to be all too human - petty, quarreling, shallow, vindictive; we can at times easily imagine ourselves above them. a. Ancient philosophers and moralists often condemned the gods in such stories. Some would argue that these gods could not be the real gods (or God) because of their poor moral behavior. But such a dualistic view is foreign to Homer. The Homeric gods are not: a. Consistently good, merciful or just. b. They are not omniscient. They know a lot, the have a sense of outcomes, but they don't know all. c. They are not omnipotent, though they are very powerful. The gods too are somewhat subject to moira. d. They are not transcendent; they did not create the world, and stand outside of it; rather, they exist within the world, as powers, forces, factors shaping nature and human life; there is no natural- supernatural dualism in Homer. e. The human-divine relationship is not based on mutual respect or love, although sometimes the gods have their favorites; rather, gods and human are entangled in each other's lives. What the gods are: a. Personified forces of nature and society: Aphrodite is sexual passion; Ares is war; Dionysus is ecstasy, Zeus is authority, and so on. b. Homer embodies a mythological sensibility, which we can describe as the tendency to interpret the world in terms of timeless, archetypal principles. This tendency is characteristic of Greek thought and culture. c. Beneath the flux of concrete, daily life, are timeless, universal forces, variously described in Homer as gods and in later Greek philosophic culture, archetypes, Ideas, or Forms.
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