MSK open review answers (1)



University of Delaware *

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Jan 9, 2024





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OVERACHIEVERS1 10/14/2018 MSK OPEN REVIEW 1 Total Questions: 21 Most Correct Answers: #12 Least Correct Answers: #8 1. A 42 y.o male presented to the clinic after falling while ice skating onto his shoulder. He complains of severe pain with palpation and limited mobility at the shoulder joint. Xray indicates a fracture. Strength examination shows weakness likely due to the nerve most at risk with this fracture. Which of the following deficits would most likely be seen on exam? 3/86 A elbow flexion 1/86 B shoulder retraction 9/86 C medial rotation 22/86 D lateral rotation 2/86 E elbow extension 18/86 F shoulder abduction (0-15 degrees) 16/86 G shoulder abduction above 90 degrees 2. A 8 y.o boy scraped his right forearm while learning how to roller blade last weekend. His injury was superficial as he only developed a small scab on the ulnar aspect of his ventral forearm. Which of the following lymph nodes would lymph from this injury drain to first? 11/86 A apical 9/86 B central 8/86 C humeral 35/86 D lateral 4/86 E pectoral 1/86 F suprascapular 2/86 G subclavian 0/86 H deltopectoral Page 1 of 8
3. A 22 y.o male presented to the ED after receiving a stab wound in his scapular region. The knife penetrated just inferior to his teres minor but medial to the lateral head of his triceps brachii and superior to the teres major. Which of the following arteries was most likely damaged given the location of his injury? 4/86 A suprascapular atery 9/86 B subscapular atery 11/86 C dorsal scapular atery 6/86 D thoracodorsal artery 36/86 E circumflex scapular atery 5/86 F descending branch of transverse cervical artery 4. A 21 y.o female presents to the clinic with acute shoulder pain after falling while playing rugby. Physical examination is notable for a step off deformity of the shoulder and decreased range of motion. Xray is shown. Which of the following ligaments are most likely torn? 6/86 A acromioclavicular and coracohumeral ligaments 4/86 B glenohumeral and coracoclavicular ligaments 49/86 C acromioclavicular and coracoclavicular ligaments 10/86 D glenohumeral and acromioclavicular ligaments 2/86 E coracohumeral and coracoclavicular ligaments 5. A 16 y.o male presents to the ED with severe shoulder pain. He said that he and his buddy were arm wrestling when he felt a pop in his shoulder followed by a sudden onset of sharp pain. Physical exam showed decreased deltoid contour and significantly reduced range of motion at the shoulder joint both passively and actively. He reports loss of sensation on the lateral upper arm. Xray is shown. Which of the following arteries is most at risk with this injury? 8/86 A subscapular artery 35/86 B posterior circumflex humeral artery 15/86 C anterior circumflex humeral artery 2/86 D thoracodorsal artery 6/86 E circumflex scapuar artery 3/86 F thoracoacromial artery 1/86 G superior thoracic artery Page 2 of 8
6. A 65 y.o women was walking home drunk after a long night of salsa dancing at brewery. She tripped and fell onto an out stretched hand. During the impact of the fall her wrist was extended and abducted. She didn't feel any pain at the time cuz she was so lit, but the next day she had pain over the radial apect of her wrist. Under the impression that she had sprained her wrist she did not present to the doctor until a week later. Plain radiographs indicated a scaphoid fracture with avascular necrosis. Which of the following arteries supplies blood to the scaphoid? 0/86 A a 0/86 B c 7. A 43 y.o woman presented to the ED after a work injury. She's a construction worker and her right arm was crushed under some heavy equipment. Physical exam showed weakness of her arm consistent with a posterior cord injury. Which of the following actions would most likely show weakness? 7/86 A protraction, shoulder adduction, elbow flexion, and shoulder flexion 10/86 B shoulder abduction (15-90 degrees), retraction, shoulder extension, elbow extension, and wrist flexion 12/86 C wrist extension, lateral rotation, medial rotation, and shoulder abduction (0-15 degrees) 19/86 D wrist flexion, elbow flexion, medial rotation, and shoulder abduction (15-90 degrees) 24/86 E wrist extension, shoulder abdudction (15-90 degrees), and elbow extension 8. A 51 y.o female injures her arm after falling off a horse. Plain radiographic examination is shown. Which of the following muscles would most likely show weakness of physical examination? 15/86 A palmaris longus 16/86 B extensor carpi radialis longus 3/86 C extensor pollicis brevis 6/86 D adductor pollicis 0/86 E opponens pollicis 7/86 F abductor pollicis longus 3/86 G abductor pollicis brevis 20/86 H flexor pollicis brevis Page 3 of 8
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