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Feb 20, 2024





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SCIENTIFIC METHOD “ARTICLE-STYLE” LAB REPORT Download the report sheet, complete it, and then submit via Canvas as an assignment (doc, docx or pdf). Do not change the format. All blue shaded areas require answers in 12 pt. font. Write this report as a research article but follow the format below and submit your report to your instructor. Adjust the size of the blue shaded areas as needed. Do not use personal pronouns (I, you, they, etc.) when writing your report. I. Title Title – Germination of Pinto Beans Scientific Method Lab II. Abstract The lab was done by placing seeds in two different types of solution to determine the success rate of germination, The lab was done over a period of three days to allow maximum germination. After completing the experiment it was determined that the success rate of seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) was much higher than in Water(H2O). III. Introduction In its natural growth pattern, pinto beans can take up to eight days to start sprouting in the soil. The main root will start to grow out of the seed and downward, attaching more firmly to the soil as it does so. It will start to sprout its first two leaves and start to photosynthesize once it has established itself. Due to the additional oxygen molecule present in hydrogen peroxide (the independent variable), seeds (the control) will sprout more quickly than they would in water (the dependent variable), which is their natural habitat. IV. Materials & Methods The materials used in the class Scientific Method lab consisted of 200 pinto beans, Hydrogen Peroxide, tap water and two large disposable containers. The beans had to be from the same batch and close in size. The liquids had to be the same fluid amount. The containers had to be big enough to allow room for spreading out the beans. Both groups were at room temperature and shared the same light. The experiment required a wait time of 72 hours to see how many pinto beans in each separate container germinated. Step 1 : Take 100 of the 200 pinto beans and spit them into two containers. Step 2 : After spreading them out in the container, cover one container of beans with tap water and Name: Samantha White Date Scientific Method Bean Lab Experiment
the second container of pinto beans with the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Step 3 : Each student was required to count their results, complete the Scientific Method worksheet and turn their results in to the class professor. V. Results This experiment showed that class-wide, more seeds germinated in the Hydrogen Peroxide solution than in tap water. Over 50% of the seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide germinated, compared to about 10% in water. VI. Discussion The class Scientific Method lab proved more pinto beans germinated when covered in Hydrogen Peroxide compared to those covered in the same amount of tap water. The test subjects covered in Hydrogen Peroxide did not produce the same amount of germinated pinto beans as the test subjects covered in water. VII. Conclusion The class Scientific Method lab proved more pinto beans germinated when covered in the Hydrogen Peroxide compared to those covered in the same amount of tap water VIII. References Pham, Seed Germination 2015 27 April 2015 Heslop-Harrison Germination 2022 29 August 2022 LAB QUESTIONS: I. List the Scientific Method Steps in order ( conclusion, experiment, hypothesis, question, observation and results) Steps 1 Observe 2 Test 3 Hypothesis 4 Results 5 Predict 6 Conclude II. Experiment ( your results only) Environment Number of seeds Number of seeds Germination
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