BCG _ MAtrix_ Spring semester_MBA 8145



Georgia State University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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BCG Matrix 20% 10% 0% Products Dollar Sales Number of Competitors Dollar Sales of Top Relative Market Share Market Growth Commodity Chemicals 9.6 7 2.4 4 4% Speciality 1.5 10 2.1 0.6 15% Petroleum Based Products 5.4 16 3.6 1.5 7% Plastics 5 3 7.5 0.6 10% Drugs 4.8 20 4.8 1 18% A. Commodity Chemicals (Potential Cash Cow) Analysis: Low growth but significant market share suggests a strong position in a mature market. Strategies: Maximize operational efficiencies and profit margins. Innovate within the segment for product differentiation and explore niche markets. Use cash flows from this segment wisely to support growth in other areas. B. Speciality (Question Mark) Analysis: High growth but low market share indicates potential that needs strategic investment to capture more market share. Strategies: Invest in market analysis, R&D, and marketing to increase market share. Explore strategic partnerships for new market access and technologies. Monitor performance closely with a readiness to adjust strategies or divest if sustainability is not achievable. C . Petroleum Based Products (Question Mark with Moderate Growth) Analysis : Petroleum Based Products show stable growth (7%) and strong performance (1.5), indicating a solid market position in a mature industry. This segment generates significant cash flow with minimal need for investment, supporting other business areas. Stars ? Cash Cow A Dog
Strategies: Focus on maintaining customer loyalty and product quality to protect market share. Implement cost reduction and process improvements for higher profitability. Invest in eco-friendly technologies to meet changing consumer demands. Use generated cash flow to fund growth in other segments and diversify into renewable energy. Prepare for shifts towards sustainability by planning for a transition to alternative energy sources D. Plastics (Question Mark) Analysis: Decent growth but low market share, suggesting room for growth with the right strategies. Strategies: Innovate by focusing on sustainability, such as biodegradable and recycled products, to differentiate and capture new segments. Increase market penetration through aggressive marketing and explore expansion opportunities. Manage production costs to improve profitability. E. Drugs (Star) Analysis: High growth and moderate market share indicate a leading position in a growing market, showing the potential for further growth and profitability. Strategies: Continue heavy investment in R&D to maintain a competitive edge and innovate new drugs. Expand market presence, especially in emerging markets with high demand for medical innovations. Secure patents to protect new developments and explore strategic partnerships for broader distribution.
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