


Grantham University *

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Information Systems


May 5, 2024





Uploaded by TorBear1109 on coursehero.com

Chapter 1 Assignment 1 1. What actions should Barbara and Bill take to educate staff on proper privacy and security protocols regarding protected health information (PHI)? Barbara and Bill want to think about holding frequent staff training sessions on HIPAA requirements and appropriate PHI handling procedures. To act as a reference manual for staff members, they might also draft an extensive handbook detailing policies and procedures pertaining to security and privacy measures. 2. In the patient care areas, why would it be important to improve physical safeguards such as fax machine and computer monitor placement? Enhancing physical security measures, like the positioning of computer monitors and fax machines in patient care areas, is crucial to preventing unwanted access to PHI. Carefully arranging data can guarantee that private information is hidden from those who aren't supposed to see it, protecting patient privacy and adhering to HIPAA rules. 3. The HIM department is a leader in providing continual education to their staff on privacy policies and procedures. How can Barbara work with clinical areas to ensure sufficient training is provided to each department’s staff? Barbara can work with clinical areas to determine their unique training requirements and provide department-specific training plans. She can also arrange for frequent training sessions, give resources for self-directed learning, and provide continuing assistance to guarantee that staff members are aware of and abide by privacy policies and procedures. 4. Why do you think it is a good idea to perform audits, such as the one Barbara completed, on a regular basis? Do you think the audits should always be unannounced, or would periodic announced scheduled audits also be beneficial? Regular auditing makes it easier to spot any possible weaknesses or places where privacy laws and procedures should be strengthened. While planned audits give employees time to prepare and regularly show their knowledge, unannounced audits can offer a more realistic picture of everyday operations.
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