What decision should the parents have made What would a Kant



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May 3, 2024





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1. What decision should the parents have made? What would a Kantian say is the morally right thing to do in this case? Explain how they would use their core principles (goodwill, duty, impartiality, and reciprocity) to decide what the right thing to do is. What role would emotions play in the ethical decision-making process for a Kantian ethicist? (USLO 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4) As a Kantian, the morally right thing to do in this case would be for the parents to refuse the operation, even if it meant both Jodie and Mary would die. Kantians prioritize moral principles such as goodwill, duty, impartiality, and reciprocity. In this scenario, the Kantian approach would focus on the duty to respect each individual's inherent worth and dignity, regardless of consequences. Kantians would argue that sacrificing Mary's life to save Jodie's violates the principle of treating each person as an end in themselves, rather than a means to an end. Additionally, Kantians emphasize the importance of universalizability, meaning that the parents' decision should be applicable to all similar situations. If sacrificing one person for the benefit of another became a universal rule, it would undermine the fundamental value of human life. Emotions would play a minimal role in the ethical decision-making process for a Kantian ethicist. Kantians believe in rationality and the supremacy of moral law over subjective feelings. Emotions might inform the context of the decision or influence individuals' inclinations, but they should not determine the morality of actions according to Kantian principles. As a Kantian ethicist, the moral decision in the case of Jodie and Mary hinges on the application of core principles such as goodwill, duty, impartiality, and reciprocity. Central to Kantian ethics is the notion of treating each individual as an end in themselves, rather than a means to an end. This principle, derived from Kant's categorical imperative, emphasizes the inherent worth and dignity of every human being. In the case of Jodie and Mary, the Kantian perspective would view both twins as possessing equal moral status,
regardless of their physical condition. Therefore, any action that sacrifices one twin for the benefit of the other would be morally impermissible. Kantians prioritize the concept of duty, which involves acting in accordance with moral principles regardless of personal desires or consequences. In this context, the duty to respect the dignity of each twin would compel the parents to refuse the operation, even if it means both Jodie and Mary would perish. Kantian ethics also emphasizes the importance of universalizability, meaning that moral principles should be applicable to all rational beings. If the parents were to sacrifice Mary for Jodie's sake, they would be endorsing a principle that undermines the inherent value of human life and could not be consistently applied in similar situations. Kantian ethics advocates for impartiality in moral decision-making, stressing the need to set aside personal biases and emotions. While the parents may understandably experience emotional distress and a desire to save Jodie, Kantian ethics would require them to prioritize moral duty over emotional inclinations. Emotions may inform the context of the decision, but they should not determine its morality according to Kantian principles. In summary, from a Kantian perspective, the morally right decision for the parents in the case of Jodie and Mary would have been to refuse the operation, respecting the inherent worth and dignity of both twins and upholding the principle of duty regardless of consequences. Emotions should not override moral principles, and the decision should be guided by rationality and universalizable moral rules.
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