quiz help week 7 apol



Liberty University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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1. The secular philosopher John Gray points out that it is not only religion that can go bad…any human activity has the potential for evil. a. True 2. Whenever someone suffers it is because they have committed a corresponding evil action. Which category does this statement fit in? a. The Moralistic Religious Take 3. Even though naturalistic scientific reasoning proceeds by assuming only natural causes, it can actually touch on the question of God. a. False 4. Humanist philosopher Luc Ferry observes that despite the web of meaning the late modern creates for himself, he is still deeply frustrated because he can’t shake the feeling he is here for more than the acquisition of material possessions. a. True 5. According to the beliefs of expressive individualism, human flourishing occurs when we follow our heart. a. True 6. The scientific method cannot account for which of the following? a. All of the above 7. The challenging part of discussing Christianity’s past abuses with slavery is that the Bible advocates a pro-slavery theology a. False 8. Saying “no” to some desires is not an important part of genuine human flourishing a. False Sign up to view the full document! lock_open   SI GN U P Showing Page: 2/5
9. Buddhism is a prime example of this take in the experiential response to the problem of
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