4-2 Short Paper PSY 225



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Apr 29, 2024





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1 Coping With Terminal Illness Barbara Ruiz PSY 225: Health Psychology Dr. LaVerne Chandler 13 April 2024
2 Many personal, environmental, and social factors contribute to the influence of whether or not a person will utilize healthcare services. Individuals use healthcare services to diagnose, cure, or help with disease or injuries, improve or main their daily function, or obtain information about their health status and find out about prognosis. The ability and inclination to use services is one factor. Healthcare cannot be accessed if it does not exist in an individual’s geographic area or if physicians are not willing to treat them due to insurance or other issues. Specifically, rural areas lack a sufficient supply of specialty providers, especially mental health physicians. Access to healthcare services is significantly impacted by the affordability of health insurance and the ability to pay for care. Even with having insurance, coverage is often not adequate and can burden an individual with the expenses of premium payments, copayments, and deductibles. Race and ethnicity can also be contributing factors to whether someone chooses to utilize healthcare or not. Minorities can be disproportionately represented in lower socioeconomic ranks and poorer-paying jobs and racism creates a social disadvantage. Some of the factors associated with this can result in higher rates of chronic and disabling illnesses and infectious diseases giving them a higher mortality rate. It can be difficult to locate appropriate and consistent medical care. Another factor can be the sex of an individual. Overall, w omen utilize healthcare services more often than men. During childbearing years, for reproductive health, and utilization during and after menopause, healthcare is often sought for issues such as cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Primary care visits are made by women more often than men, as well, and they receive more diagnostic and screening services, counseling for diet and nutrition, and sexual healthcare, although men generally have more elevated rates of obesity and cardiovascular issues. Disability, either congenital or caused by aging or injury, can significantly impact whether someone chooses to receive healthcare, and accessing healthcare for the disabled can be
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