Lauren Yeboah - Unit 8 AS_ Behavioral Applications



Kean University *

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Jan 9, 2024





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BEHAVIORAL APPLICATIONS 1 Behavioral Applications Lauren Yeboah Kean University General Psychology 1000 Professor Daniel Watson December 21st, 2023 Behavioral Applications The first stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome theory is the Alarm stage. This stage occurs when people become aware of the presence of a stressor (Feldman, 2019). Biologically during the alarm stage, the sympathetic nervous system gains energy which helps a person to cope with the stressor. The body responds with a flight or fright response. An example of the alarm stage is encountering a sudden overload of work. This can trigger this stage because you would become suddenly overwhelmed with the work. The second stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome theory is the Resistance stage. During this stage the body is biologically fighting this stressor. During the resistance, the body can use different methods to cope with the stressor. This most likely costs an aspect of the person’s well being such as physical health (Feldman, 2019). An example of the resistance stage
BEHAVIORAL APPLICATIONS 2 is a student’s body trying to adapt to the stress by developing coping strategies such as organizing study schedules and seeking academic support. Another example is if a student pulls all nighters in order to make up work if they are failing a class. The third stage in the General Adaptation Syndrome theory is the Exhaustion stage. During this stage, a person’s ability to fight the stressor declines to the point where there are negative consequences such as health declines, increased irritability, a loss of touch of reality, etc. This can be seen for causes of burnout, fatigue, etc. An example of this is if a student has so much make-up work to do for their classes that is due by a certain deadline, they still are not halfway done, and have been staying up for days. This can cause burnout or for them to give up. Cataclysmic stressors are stressors that are strong and occur suddenly and can affect many people at the same time (Feldman, 2019). Some examples are natural disasters, terrorist attacks, shootings, etc. Cataclysmic events usually produce less stress responses than events that are initially not as devastating because usually for these events, the solution is very clear. However, in some extreme cases such as 9/11 for example, the stress responses can be very devastating and long lasting. A cataclysmic stressor I have been through is Hurricane Sandy when I was younger and also COVID. Hurricane Sandy impacted my family and I because my little sister was born during that time and we did not have adequate resources in our house. COVID has impacted millions of people’s lives including myself. Personal stressors are stressor specific to a person’s life circumstances. This can include the death of a spouse, parent, the loss of a job, etc. Personal stressors usually produce an immediate reaction that usually decreases in time (Feldman, 2019). For example, if a loved one passes away, the pain is very immense and intense when it first happens but overtime with healing, it becomes less. A personal stressor I have been through was the loss of my uncle a
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