
2004 Apush Dbq Answers

Decent Essays

1. Total War: All of society, including military forces as well as civilians, was encouraged to participate in the idea of total war. This is a tactic used when all restrictions are neglected as far as weaponry and territory. Usually, the economy takes the hit the hardest because it becomes second to the government with regards to importance. For example, during the time period of 1943-1944 in the U.S., car factories switched gears and instead used their time to construct tanks and other machines to be used in the war. The U.S. was not the only country that quickly became accustomed to adaptation. In Britain, some fruits were basically not seen for a few years because the space they would have taken up was needed for space on the merchant ships. The involvement in the automobile and weaponry industries creates larger more invasive government. Children are expected to help in some way; if it means …show more content…

Mahatma Gandhi: Gandhi was born in Porbandar, India in 1869 and died in 1948. He was western educated, specifically trained in England. Although he was a nationalist, he was anti-modern because he was skeptical to industrialism. He believed in the ideal of satyagraha, the non-tolerance of evil, but also the understanding that violence is not the answer to that evil. He also believed in non-violence. He did not cooperate with anything British, specifically trading with the British, British schooling or products, and even paying taxes to the British. He served as a civil rights activist after being thrown off a train when refusing to move from his seat in first class. He became the leading member of Congress Party in the 1930’s and shortly after participated in the March to Sea for salt during the British imposed salt tax. Every single aspect of Gandhi’s life was peaceful, if the people around him decided to disobey and use violence as a means of getting what they wanted, Gandhi would take it upon himself to fast. He was eventually assassinated by a Hindus

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