
Essay about A Brief History of Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Autism was first presented in 1943 by Leo Kanner when he was conducting a several children study; he later described the children as having withdrawn behaviour. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s the suitable treatments used in behavioural therapy were focused on medications such as LSD and electrical shock as a form of pain and punishment (WebMD Medical Reference, 2014).
Tens of millions of people have been diagnosed with Autism worldwide, effecting both genders, all races, ethnicities and people from all socioeconomic classes. In 2010 a Surveillance Summary was conducted in the United States, where it identified that one in 68 children are diagnosed with Autism (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014). It has been recognised …show more content…

Signs of Autism are initially presented in the first 18 months, however 24-40% of cases regress between 18-24 months of age. The characteristics found among ASD are behavioural, social interaction and communication; overall these are commonly noted by a majority of people, yet not necessarily by all.
To maintain a certainty and predictability of behaviours exhibited, it is recommended to stick to a routine and spend time in their repetitive behaviours. Other behaviours which are commonly presented are unusually intense or focused interests, repetitive stereotyped body movements, and the repetitive use of objects, insisting on sticking to routines, unusual sensory interests, sensory sensitivities and intellectual impairment or learning difficulties.
People with Autism are presented with difficulties with social interactions, in particular, establishing and maintaining relationships. There is a lack of responsiveness to non-verbal forms of communications, like facial expressions, physical gestures and eye contact. Often, they are unable to fully express needs due to being unable to interpret and understand others needs. These lack of social interactions effect their ability to share others interests and activities, which gives the appearance that they are socially distant. The cause of their inability to understand non-verbal forms of communication which causes them to become withdrawn socially; is due to a delay in speech.
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