
A Clockwork Orange Rapism

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A Clockwork Orange is a film about Alex DeLarge, ( the main character of the movie, played by Malcolm Mcdowell) a teenage boy who is the leader of a gang. Alex, along with his three droogs, (Pete, Georgie, and Dim), go around town performing vicious acts of violence against society, such as beating helpless tramps and raping women. Unfortunately for Alex, his droogs aren't too happy with his ruling. As the movie goes on they begin to rebel against him. Of course, our friend Alex, like any other ruler (or person that believes that they are entitled to a throne), did not like his underlings to revolt against him, nor to even have them believe that they all (Alex and his droogs) could ever be equal in power, and so he settled it the best of his ability, by using brute force. Alex reiterated that he was the …show more content…

Roger Ebert describe Alex as “...a sadistic rapist” he explains that Alex is the type of person everyone avoids, but yet somehow everybody had met (par.3). In contrast to Ebert’s opinion Vincent Canby, movie critic, who on December 20, 1971 wrote for the New York Times a review on A Clockwork Orange, stating that “Alex is a terrifying character, but also intelligent, funny and pathetic…”(Canby par.7). What exactly makes Alex terrifying? Perhaps his sadistic mindset, how he acts without thinking of the outcome of his actions, also the fact that he is passionate about violence, but it is exactly those traits that make his character amazing. “He is a character of intuition and instinct, a mythopoeic expression of human nature, one who does not think as much as he dreams and acts” (Nelson pg.143) Alex’s character is what differentiates humans from a clockwork, his intuition, he acts upon his nature. Alex is portrayed as a careless character who has free will (which is in part believed by many movie critics the meaning behind Kubrick’s film:free

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