
A Comparison Of The United StatesTax Function Plan?

Decent Essays

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans revealed its tax overhaul plan Thursday, with some lawmakers urging their Democratic colleagues to join them in passing legislation to change the county's tax system.

The Senate version of the Tax Cuts and Job Act was announced the same day the House Ways and Means Committee approved its measure, which members introduced last week.

The Senate plan would maintain the current seven tax brackets, though with a proposed reform of rate structures with a 38.5 percent bracket of high-income individuals and expansion of the zero individual tax bracket. The child tax credit would increase from $1,000 to $1,650. The adoption tax credit would also be maintained, which was not included in the original House bill. …show more content…

"We have a historic opportunity to help, and that opportunity should not be squandered by anyone on any side of the aisle for cheap political points," he said.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the Senate and House GOP plans are similar in that they benefit the wealthy over middle-class Americans, adding Republicans lose no matter if a plan becomes law.

"There is only one good path out for them: work with us on a good bill," he said.

West Virginia Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin told reporters Wednesday he wants a plan that benefits the middle class.

"They're looking for relief, and temporary relief is not going to be sufficient, and all the additional debt that we might be incurring that's going to the protection of those millionaires and billionaires and gazillionaires," he said.

A Thursday request to Manchin for a comment was not answered.

"As the proposal continues to move forward through an open and transparent process and comes to the Senate floor, I encourage my Democrat colleagues to put aside their misguided rhetoric; stop the political theatrics; and join President Trump, Republicans in Congress, and the majority of Americans who want a better tax system," Capiot said. "The train is leaving the

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