
A Complicated Kindness By Miriam Toews

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The current generation is quizzical of the importance that religious teachings hold in our evolving pro-choice society. In past generations, spiritualism was a method of uniting the community and nurturing the young. However, we find that faith has the adverse effect. While separate from other religions, a rise in hate fueled discrimination and separatism is observable between different communities in all corners of the globe. In this generation, it is only logical that as religion is taught, after learning from present and past events, the very essence of the teachings is skewed and put into question.
Miriam Toews’ novel, A Complicated Kindness, explores the aspects of one’s interpretation of faith, their reintegration into society and self-improvement. These elements are explored through Natasha Nickel’s formulation of her newfound faith, a step in which she soaks knowledge, questions what has been learned, and then incorporates the changes into her lifestyle. Through this critical thinking process, Tash becomes the most logical follower of faith in the community.
Tash’s curious nature represents her critical thoughts about God’s true love, his meaning and his reliability. These thoughts mold her unique interpretation of God. This particular thought is observed after “[Tash] threw herself out of a tree and broke her elbow… [Tash] [thinks] God … let it happen … [Tash] … want[s] to throw me out of a tree to test God’s love and my mom [says] no, there are such things as

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