
A Long Way Gone Book Report

Decent Essays

I really liked this book. I am really glad I read this book because I am interested in the situation between the rebels and the child soldiers. I really like the way the author wrote his book. It was sad, but there were also really happy parts. The way the author put his words together made reading the book really easy to read. For example, “ On the morning that we left for Mattru Jong, we loaded our backpacks with notebooks old lyrics we were working on, and stuffed our pockets with cassettes of rap albums.” The story is very believable. The book was easily understood as well. There were some words that he used in the book that were confusing because some of the words he uses are different from what we are used to. For example in the book, the word for sneakers is crapes. He also calls a porch, a …show more content…

I agreed with Ishmael and his friends when they would take food from others during their journey. It wasn’t right, but they didn’t have a choice. They didn’t have any food or parents to take care of them. The title is called A Long Way Gone because they are a long way from home. They left their home and had to travel all over Sierra Leone to find safety and he eventually goes to New York, which is very far from his home. I think the title is very appropriate. It definitely got my attention and set a sad mood. This book reminds me of when the Invisible Children organization would come to our school and talk to us about the child soldiers and the rebels and then they would have a person there that would talk about their story with the rebels. I did not like the ending of the book because it was very abrupt. I think the message was to help others and not every decision is easy but sometimes you need to think what would be better for everyone else. A theme in the book is loss of innocence. When the war started, he witnessed horrible things and had to fend for

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