
Obstacles In Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

Decent Essays

A Worn Path
A Worn Path by Eudora Welty is a short story about an elderly women- Phoenix Jackson and who is taking a long journey though the woods into town to acquire medicine for her sick grandson. On her way she encounters many obstacles such as the thorns in which her dress got caught in, barbed wire, a scarecrow, a large dog, a hunter and the lady, which ties her shoes. All of these obstacles among her dementia and hallucinations, which are implied throughout the story, delay her from reaching town. Throughout the story the reader can perceive that her grandson has already died, however due to her dementia she has trouble remembering. A Worn Path by Eudora Welty is a metaphor for people in this world that use the “worn path” instead …show more content…

In those people’s eyes, they see another person’s goals as nothing but a silly dream or fantasy that is out of their reach. However it is ones job to take those people and prove them wrong, by only continuing on the “ worn path” until they succeed.
Close to the end of the story we see old phoenix ask for help “ Please, missy, will you lace up my shoe” from his to one can derive a message that- it is okay to accept the help and knowledge of others sometimes I order to achieve your goals.
Eudora Welty’s a Worn Path is a powerful, compelling and inspiring story if one can see through the text into the true meaning the author was trying to convey. I have seen this story as a metaphor for people who take the “worn path” instead of the easy one- with no struggle. It is those people who prosper through the struggle life hands them and figure out how to make them lemonade, that achieve their goal and destination in

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