
Ainsley Epperson Biography

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It was September 25, 2001, and all you saw in the blank white hospital room was two parents and three teeny-tiny babies. They were triplets. These three teeny-tiny babies were Ainsley, Cross, and River Epperson. I am Ainsley Epperson and I was born on September 25, 2001. I have dirty blond hair and hazel colored eyes. I enjoy dancing (tap, jazz, & ballet), studying, and reading. On the exact day I was born, September 25, 2001, Michael Jordan signed an agreement with the Washington Wizards. Jordan’s first season with the Washington Wizards was injury plagued, although he still led with the most points, rebounds, and starts. On the exact day I was born, September 25, 2001, Lani O’Grady, an actress best known for her role on the show “Eight is Enough”, dies of drug overdose at age 46. Lani O’Grady played Mary Bradford, the eldest sister, on “Eight is Enough” for 112 episodes between 1977 and 1981. …show more content…

O’Connor was appointed in 1981 by Ronald Reagan and retired in 2006. Prior to her appointment with the Supreme Court, O’Connor was the first female Majority Leader in the United States as the Republican leader in the Arizona Senate. On the day I was born, September 25, except many years before, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas became the first integrated school under the force of the federal government in 1957. Nine African American students entered Central High School escorted by the U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne Division. I believe the most important event that happened on September 25 is that of Sandra Day O’Connor being selected as the first lady appointed a position on the Supreme Court. This is important because it was a major step with women being accepted and treated the same as men in government offices and in

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