
Alice Walker Heritage Research Paper

Good Essays

Sarafina Ramalho
Ms. McKeever
English III
Heritage is a large necessity in people lives. To Alice Walker, heritage is everything. She brings her importance and ideas of this topic and makes them evident in her stories. Tradition and custom are the basic fundamentals of a family. They make a family who they are and make them different. Alice Walker notices this standing and brings that to life in most of her stories. Along with that, Alice Walker was very big on Womanism. Womanism has become very important in today’s society. Back in the day, women had no freedom whatsoever. As time went on, women had more rights and were able to do more. However, when Alice was a child she lived during the time when African Americans were not looked …show more content…

Walker was born on February 9th, 1944 in Putnam Country, Georgia. Her mother, Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant, was a maid, and her father, Willie Lee Walker, was a dairy farmer. Along with that, Alice was the youngest out of eight children. Her family went through many economic hardships, but nonetheless she was very dedicated to her education and going to college. While Alice was attending school, she became very upset about the absence of literature on history and culture on the black experience. She then challenged education institutions to receive the curriculum she deserved. This was where the basis of Walker’s love for heritage and culture sparked. While growing up, Alice and her family were very close. They may have had some issues here and there, however their traditions and where they came from always brought them together. So, when she attended college she was very disappointed to find out that nothing was being taught about the African American culture and traditions. In addition, she made sure to do something about this issue and was able to gain the curriculum she wanted. After college, Walker was still very passionate about writing and her culture. Therefore, she wrote numerous books about female characters and black culture. Some of these books include The Color Purple and …show more content…

In Flowers, Alice Walker opens the story with a young girl named Myop who is exploring nature in the country. Myop’s family is underprivileged and her parent’s occupations are sharecroppers on a farm. Myop spends her day exploring the countryside and observing the nature around her. One day, while she is walking along the countryside, Myop gains an eerie feeling and senses she should return home. On her way back, she comes along this lump sticking out of the ground and pauses to explore what it is. To Myop’s surprise, it is a deceased body of a man. She than proceeds to lie flowers, hence the title, around his body. After that, all of innocence has been taken away from her and will never be the same now that she has seen and experienced evil, sadness, and death. However, she still has her strength which is shown when she covers the mans body in flowers. In this writing, the role of strong female characters is very evident. Myop in the beginning of this story is innocent, has never experienced the realities of life, until finding the deceased man in the fields. This sight takes away her view of life as perfect and good and changes it into evil and filled with death. Yet, while she is going through all these changes, she is still strong and goes through the tough action of covering this man. By her

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