
Comparing The Flowers And To Hell With Dying By Alice Walker

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Alice Walker is a very well-known and well respected author, she worked as a teacher, social worker, and lecturer, and took part in the 1960s Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi. Alice Walker’s life greatly impacted her monumental writing style, many of her stories have a young female character who is learning and maturing through different experiences such as the concept of death. Taking part in the Civil Rights Movement shows her bravery and that she will fight for what is right under all costs. This shows in her writing because her protagonists and usually very brave and strong through difficult times. Two famous short stories of Alice Walker are “The Flowers” and “To Hell with Dying”, although these stories have developed different …show more content…

Myop bounced around until she stumbled upon the man, who is portrayed as the antagonist. The man, who was lynched, is depicted as the antagonist because he stole her innocence, by seeing something horrifying Myop no longer had the integrity of a little girl. She has realized the cruelty and the horrors of the world around her which she once thought was all happy and smiles. In addition, the man symbolizes death in this story so the antagonist can also be shown as death, “When she pushed back the leaves and layers of earth and debris Myop saw that he’d had large white teeth, all of them cracked or broken, long fingers, and very big bones” (“The Flowers” 2). Myop was so sweet and innocent and it was tragic that she had to deal with such a sad event that now made her mature and grow older far too soon. “To Hell with Dying” is about a young girl who is very close friends, in fact neighbors, with a man named Mr. Sweet. Mr. Sweet is getting older and he is an alcoholic and a diabetic and he is constantly on the verge of death. Every time Mr. Sweet is about to die, the family that neighbors Mr. Sweet comes over and sings to him and brings him a happy environment and he always manages to pull through. The protagonist is the narrator, a young girl who is very fond of Mr. Sweet and sees him as a role model and a friend. The narrator, just like Myop, is sweet and innocent with no real idea of what death really is.

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