
Alzheimer's Research Paper

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Abstract—Alzheimer’s disease is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. As medicine continues to advance, people are starting to live longer. As a result, there are increasing numbers of elderly people that need caregivers. Also, Alzheimer’s disease is showing up in people at younger ages now, meaning that there are more middle-aged adults who need caregivers. Caregivers are a significant part of an Alzheimer’s patient’s life, however oftentimes they are overlooked when discussing the disease. The caregivers need support if the time comes that they decide end-of-life care is needed and while taking care of the patient. There has been plenty of research on the decision-making of end-of-life care, however, there hasn’t been much …show more content…

However, in a study by Brodaty and Luscombe, there were associations between psychological problems and the severity of the dementia (Brodaty and Luscombe, 1998). Caregivers need different ways of coping during each stage of Alzheimer’s similar to the patient themselves. In the beginning stages (early/mild), the caregiver is dealing with the emotional stress of seeing their family member decline slowly. They are dealing with the transition in their life of gaining another person to care for. The patient has good and bad days during this time period which causes the caregiver to be confused as to the level of the disease (Callone, 2006). Various things that alzheimer’s patients do can be frustrating to caregivers when they don’t understand what is going through the patient’s head. In public, things can be overwhelming and sometimes embarrassing for a caregiver and they can become angry. Sometimes, the caregiver becomes angry and starts to be overbearing on the patient because they develop frustration. This is a point in time where caregivers frequently decide that it is a good idea to send their loved one to a facility that can better manage the disease (Callone, …show more content…

At this point, oftentimes caregivers have put their loved ones in the nursing facilities by now, however some do not. The main goal of a caregiver at this stage is to keep the patient comfortable while performing other hard decisions. They have to decide what measures should be taken if there is an emergency and the quality of life they want for the patient. The other stages have a huge impact on this stage, because if the caregiver lost contact with friends and family, this stage will be extremely hard because the loss of the loved one is within sight and support is needed from those the caregiver could have drifted from. The caregiver needs the same support that has been mentioned previously: friends, family, an outlet for relaxation and fun, and encouragement to survive these taxing last days(Callone,

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