
America 's Entrance Into World War II

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Why We Fight: Since World War II, the United States has been almost repetitively involved in combat, active members in a string of wars fought completely on foreign shores. American people have fought for the rights and freedom we have today. We the people earned the right for our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We have always fought for what we believed in and have never stopped. This film helps encourage the involvement of the United States army to protect one who needs help fighting for what we believe is important. According to the propaganda film, Why We Fight, there were many motivations that existed to justify America’s entrance into World War II. The affinity between USA and Britain was undeniable, yet a large amount of the US public, media and politicians were deeply nationalist. Many people resented America’s participation in the First World War. The desire to avoid foreign predicaments and focus on our domestic issues was widespread. When war broke out in Europe, US President Franklin Roosevelt recognized that the conflict threatened US safety, and figured out ways to help the European democracies without direct involvement in the war. This necessity increased in June 1940, when the Fall of France left Britain as the only democracy standing between Nazi Germany and America. US citizens saw that Japan, Germany and Italy were building up their armies, which made the American to want to create our own defenses. The US built a two-ocean navy and

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