
American Society Compared To Today

Decent Essays

This essay is about American Society and how it has changed from the 1840s compared to today. It will have examples from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and compare them to modern news story that have happened within the past 5 years. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn written by Mark Twain is a book critiquing American Society back in the 1840s. American Society has changed for the better since the 1840s, specifically the themes of laws/justice, racism and scams/cons.
I think that the theme of laws/justice has changed for the better since the 1840s. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 91, the Shepherdsons get revenge on Buck for trying to kill Harney Shepherdson and they gang up on Buck and shoot him dead. Nothing happened to the Shepherdsons that killed Buck but nowadays you can’t murder someone and not get punished for it. James Worley kidnapped and killed Sierah Joughin in July 2016 and was recently sentenced to death (Lindstrom). These two quotes show that back in the 1840s you can get away with murder but you can’t get away with it today so that is why American Society has changed for the better in the theme of laws/justice. …show more content…

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain on page 176, Huck and Aunt Sally are having a conversation, “‘Good Gracious! Anybody hurt?’ ‘No’m. Killed a nigger.’ ‘Well, it’s lucky; because sometimes people do get hurt.’” This quote shows that back in the 1840s some people were so racist they didn't even consider black people to be actual people but today black people are counted as real people and they’re doing amazing things. In 2016 the first black woman earned the rank of Brigadier General in the U.S. Marines (Leoni). These quotes obviously show that we as a society today have gotten a lot better with racism compared to the

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