
Essay about An Experiment in Breaking The Norms: A Personal Narrative

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A norm is defined as expectations, or rules of behavior that reflect and enforce behavior.(Henslin, 2009) When people are in public settings we expect individuals to behave in a certain way. For example when standing in line to see a show or to purchase an item we expect everyone to stand in a single file line. We expect individuals to wait their turn as they proceed to the front of the line. Another expectation or norm is we expect individuals to have dinning etiquette when eating in restaurants. We expect people to dine using the proper utensils. I thought about this example as I was pondering for an observation to perform. I decided that I would take a chance and visit a well respected restaurant in my area and break the norm …show more content…

He handed me a menu and advised that a waiter would be with me soon.

As I sat alone at my small table for two, I looked at my watch and noted the time of 12:10pm. As I glanced at the menu I slowly began scanning the dining area. As I suspected the lunch crowd was pretty full and I counted 36 customers in the dining area. My waiter arrived at my table and introduced himself. His name was Tony, although I am sure his full name was Anthony. He was average height, slim build, olive complexion, and dark hair. He was very polite and asked if I would like a drink before ordering and after my response he turned and retrieved my beverage. When he returned he asked if I need a few minutes to look over the menu and I responded that I did. Before leaving, he proceeded to tell me the lunch specials for the day and even made a recommendation. I thanked him as he turned and walked away.

When Tony left the table I again began to scan the restaurant. I noted that there were couples and groups of people in the restaurant. Many were Caucasian , African American and a few of Latin American descent . There were business men women in suits and ties. There were also several elderly couples sipping wine with their meals. The age range of all the patrons were from toddlers to elderly approximately 70 years of age.

As I scanned the room, I saw Tony systematically going table to table taking orders

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