
Analysis Of ' Champion Of The World ' By Maya Angelou

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Symbolism and Change in Sports Throughout the years, sports have become a major part of society. Sports, a large percentage of the time, are a part of peoples’ lives in one way or another. Whether they participate in them or just enjoy watching them, sports are a big deal to the majority of people. There are also some individuals who have redefined the expectations when it comes to certain sports. For instance, Babe Ruth redefined the way people think about baseball, or Michael Jordan completely changing the game of basketball. But Joe Louis and Venus and Serena Williams have changed their games in a way no one could have imagined. Although “Champion of the World” by Maya Angelou and “Woman Who Hit Very Hard and How They’ve Changed Tennis” by Michael Kimmelman are different, they are similar in the ways they show how the respected athletes, Joe Louis and the Williams sisters, changed the game and were seen using symbolism in racial and sexual progression. In “Champion of the World” Maya Angelou writes about Joe Louis’ road to success in how he changed boxing for his race. Angelou writes, “This might be the end of the world. If Joe lost we were back in slavery and beyond help. It would all be true; the accusations that we were lower types of human beings. Only a little higher than apes.” Angelou is trying to convey that if Joe loses this fight, everything white men think about Negros is true. Joe’s people need him to win this fight to prove a point to white people, and

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