
Analysis Of Home Of The Brave

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I would like to tell you about, Home of the Brave, by Katherine Applegate. This fiction book is about a young boy named Kek who is an immigrant from Sudan, Africa. He lived in Sudan his whole life until ten, but, has to move to America after a tragedy. It is hard for him to move to America. He holds on to hope no matter how hard things get and he has a lot of important new adventures in this country, that help him become a better person.
The main character in the book Kek has a lot of changes in his life when he moves to a new country. It is really hard for Kek to live in America because it is so different from his home. Kek talks a lot about what he misses from his old home. He shows courage by making the best of having to be so far from his first home.
The main theme in Home Of The Brave is to never give up or lose hope. In the book the reason why Kek was brought to America is because his village was attacked by some evil people. His brother and father are killed. Kekis mother may be dead or alive, but, she is missing. This is why Kek moved to America. He lives with his Aunt and every one is sceptical if his mother will come back or not except for Kek. All throughout the book Kek holds on to hope. For instance, when his cousin Ganwar tells Kek he is foolish for thinking his mom is alive and is probably dead, his response is, ¨Hope isn't foolish I say. If I can make it all the way here than anything can happen¨(pg45). Kek has a lot of hope in this book. He shows he has

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