
Analysis Of Ray Bradbury 's Fahrenheit 451

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Archetypes have been relevant throughout all of history’s collections of books, occurring in novels centuries back, and still occurring today. It is defined as a universally understood symbol, term, or statement, which others are copied, patterned, or emulated. Archetypes are often used in myths and storytelling across different cultures. The use of archetypes was advanced by Carl Jung, who suggested, “the existence of universal contentless forms that channel experiences and emotions, resulting in recognizable and typical patterns of behavior with certain probable outcomes”. While in Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, water is used to represent death and rebirth, showing that our experiences can change us, and we can be re-birthed as a totally new person, while in Homer’s Odyssey, water is used to show that life is full of vast trials and adventures to overcome. The archetype of fire is also used in both novels. In Fahrenheit 451, it is used to show that even through destruction can emerge good; while in the Odyssey it is used to represent underlying doom and that no matter the situation, we are all doomed. Same archetypes, however they hold different meanings and represent different things.
In both novels, water is a common archetype, reoccuring multiple times throughout both the Odyssey and Fahrenheit 451. Although representing different themes, rebirth and renewal in Fahrenheit 451, while long though journeys and tests in the Odyssey, the archetype is an important part of

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