
The Distance Between Us Reyna Grande Summary

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In The Distance Between Us, Reyna Grande describes of her life, how she came to this country with difficulties. Grande was young that it was really hard for her to understand the circumstances that were happening to her and her family. The relationship between the two passages is the different directions, but their purpose is similar. The purpose of the two passages explains the struggle of how a family from a different country is going to survive without any help. The first excerpt, ‘Mi Mama Mi Ama,’ describes the tension and confusion of the writer’s early stage of her life. They run from there to here to survive and for their new and hopeful lives. This is before she moved to the United States and the first night that she spent with eating bird food. The second excerpt, ‘The Man Behind the Glass,’ describes Grande’s and her siblings’ first day of school. As they have the same purpose, to survive, they conflict from getting ready to go to school, because they don’t know a word of English. Grande’s father can’t help them either because he doesn’t know how to speak English. Grande’s family already failed twice for coming to this country. If they fail again this time, she will be sent back to her grandmother because her father thinks her mother isn’t doing a decent job of taking care of her and her siblings. The third attempt wasn’t easy, even though they were fully ready and knew what they were supposed to do. The first day of the American school wasn’t easy too. Grande had

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