
Analysis Of The Book 'Make Lemonade'

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Make Lemonade Essay
People often think of family as positive, loving, and with no flaws. However, there is almost a stereotype that all families love each other and there aren’t problems or challenges in a family. Sometimes families put people through challenges and some families aren’t “perfect”. In the book Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff, Jolly has two kids and goes through challenges with her family. Most careful readers can see how Jolly has these challenges with her kids and how she is far off from the “perfect” family. She goes through many of these challenges in life and finds a way to overcome them. Jollys family shapes her identity because the challenges she faces ends up making her stronger. Jeremy and Jilly challenging her, LaVaughn helping her out, and her past family all shape her identity.

Jolly’s identity gets shaped when LaVaughn spends a lot of time babysitting and being a big help. When Jolly would get housework done she would get things done partway. Lavaughn says “One day I had it up to my eyebrows with / part- way done” ( Wolff 130). Lavaughn got upset and wanted to teach Jolly a lesson by saying “That the way you did birth control too? / Part- way done is good enough?” (131). What this quote is indicating is that Jolly had bad habits in her life which shaped her identity of being irresponsible, and Lavaughn is helping her so she can change. Because as of right now, Jolly gets things done part-way done so LaVaughn is helping her be responsible.As the story continues, people see how Lavaughn really pushes Jolly to be the best mother she can be and to really push her to change.
‘Look, Jolly,’ I go.
‘You didn’t have those babies, you’d finish school,
You’d have a job [...]
‘No you're not. You’re not doing okay.
The kids need their vegetables. (98)
Jolly is lacking as a mother even with short-term tasks like feeding her kids healthy food. However, Lavaughn helps out and tries to change Jolly into being a better mother so she can provide many more things in the future for her kids. Lastly, Lavaughn does a lot of little things throughout the book to help Jolly with her family, but most importantly LaVaughn helps her go to school.

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