
Analysis Of The Film 'Race To Nowhere'

Decent Essays

The education system has always been one to push students to absolute perfection, but at what costs do these measures become harmful, taxing and impractical? The film Race to Nowhere explores this concept and examines the pressures society has placed on students to fit this “one size fits all” definition of success. By presenting heart-wrenching stories of students who have suffered greatly from this “silent epidemic”, Race to Nowhere reveals to many an education system plagued by stress, depression, cheating, eating disorders, and sleep deprivation. An education system where there is emphasis on study to get the “A” instead of studying to truly retain the information. And lastly an education system where students aren’t truly learning. Through the use of visual elements, expert testimonials, and personal anecdotes Race to Nowhere is able to captivate viewers’ hearts, and cause them to redefine the true meaning of “success”. With the deliberate use of several visual elements, Race to Nowhere appeals to the emotions of the viewers, causing them to relate to the personal experiences described in the film. For example, with the introduction to the cause of this homework epidemic. As educators were revealing the patterns that led to the rise in homework simultaneously they were showing archival footage that directly corresponded to the information being given. As this timeline was being presented the film purposely showed children and their happiness ranging from the 1940’s,

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