
Analysis Of The Yellow Pill By Fog Phillips

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Sanity is in the mind of the beholder; one person's reality is not necessarily the reality for everyone. In the short story, “The Yellow Pill” by Rog Phillips, this is the main idea when two men, Dr. Elton and Jerry Bocek, meet in either a psychiatrist’s office or in a spaceship. By the end of the story, it is clear that Dr. Elton is living in reality and the story takes place on earth. Throughout the short story there are many instances that tell the reader that both Dr. Elton and Jerry are on earth, but the opening sentence gives it away. Phillips wrote, “Dr. Cedric Elton slipped into his office by the back entrance, shucked off his topcoat and hid it in the small, narrow-doored closet, then picked up the neatly piled patient cards his receptionist, Helena Fitzroy, had placed on the corner of his desk.” This opener describes a normal, professional psychiatrist entering his office to begin his day, on earth. Dr. Elton has to be on earth because he enters his office through a back entrance. If this story would have taken place in space, he would not have been able to do enter this way because coming in through a back entrance implies that he was outside and no human can survive outside of a spaceship, unless that person is in a spacesuit which Dr. Elton was not. Overall, Rog Phillips starts off the story on Earth. Not only is the story setup on earth, but there are characters that back up the idea of being on earth. Trying to get more information on the case, and on

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