
Animal Slaughtering Is The Killing Of Animals

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Animal slaughtering is the killing of animals; most of them domestic, and mainly for the purpose of human consumption. Many different types of animal slaughtering methods have been created such as; carbon dioxide, inert gas hypoxia, captive bolt pistol, gunshot, exsanguination, and many other that are not regulated. Such varying methods have evolved since the beginning of times, but with the increasing rates of the human population a faster way of slaughtering needed to be created in order to keep up. The question here is, have we, in our attempt to provide for the many, forgotten about ethical ways to kill those that are gifting us with their life?
The problem we need to understand here is that many of these regulated methods are not ethical and cause suffering to the dying animal. Whether it causes them “pain and distress even at low concentrations” due to the carbon dioxide, “broken bones” due to shackling, “massive damage to the skull and a shockwave which stuns the brain” due to captive bolt pistol, or a slow and painful death if their “sticking wound is inaccurately placed” this methods need to be either reevaluated or vanished. It is not fair for animals to suffer and undergo horrible deaths just to satiate our hunger. When did we start forgetting how to take care of that that give us life? When did we start killing without mercy for the sake of our people? When did we forget to care for the minority in order to benefit the majority?
According to historian

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