
Annotated Bibliography

Decent Essays

Topic Proposal and Annotated Bibliography
Alexander Hynes
Creighton University

Topic Proposal
In my research paper, I will attempt to determine how the perception of light in phytochromes plays a role in the development of plants. Specifically, I will look at how phytochromes play a role in the growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana. The paper will also look at how light perception plays a role in phototropism and the immune systems of a plant. Finally, my paper will explore how changing light conditions impact perception in phytochromes.

Annotated Bibliography
Arana, M. V., Sánchez-Lamas, M., Strasser, B., Ibarra, S. E., Cerdán, P. D., Botto, J. F., & Sánchez, R. A. (2014). Functional diversity of phytochrome family in the control …show more content…

A., & Kiss, J. Z. (2012). Phototropism and gravitropism in transgenic lines of Arabidopsis altered in the phytochrome pathway. Physiologia Plantarum, 145(3), 461-473. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.2012.01607.x

In this article, Hopkins and Kiss explore how phytochromes affect phototrophism in Arabidopsis. They observed the phototropism of roots in various Arabidopsis mutants in order to determine how light is perceived in the plant. They ultimately found that red light phototropism in the roots is largely affected by light perceived in the roots as opposed to the shoot of the Arabidopsis organism. This primary literature will be valuable in helping me evaluate how the perception of light in phytochromes affects phototropic curvature and growth in the various parts of the plants.

Su, H., Abernathy, S. D., White, R. H., & Finlayson, S. A. (2011). Photosynthetic photon flux density and phytochrome B interact to regulate branching in Arabidopsis. Plant, Cell & Environment, 34(11), 1986-1998. …show more content…

Specifically, the authors looked at the effect that the red to far red light ratio had on branching in Arabidopsis. The authors ultimately found that the effect that phytochromes had on branching varied significantly depending on the environment that the plant was in. Through the observations of the authors, this primary literature will be useful in helping me assess the effects that phytochromes have in the development of branches in

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