
Apple 's Strategies For Global Tax Minimization

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Intercompany transactions could occur across national borders, it would lead MNC companies to get more exposure to the differences of the tax regulations between countries. This might lead MNC companies to set up their objective to minimize their taxes through the use of discretionary transfer prices. These issues are attracted the attention of the member of the U.S. senate, foreign governments and international organization such as the OECD, G20 and European Union (EU).
Apple Inc. is one of the companies implementing tax minimization strategies to lower taxes. Apple received a lot of criticism from various parties (media, governments, and international organizations). It is because the estimation of tax savings from the company are very high as its worldwide earnings are so high. Apple set up new companies in tax havens country and shifts the profit to those companies. This article will give an explanation on how Apple Inc. lower its taxes through international tax minimization strategies.
Apple profits is not generated from physical goods but from royalties of intellectual property like patent. It is similar to other giant technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon, and Hewlett-Packard. It allows them to move their profits very easy to their subsidiaries in the lower tax jurisdiction, since their products are downloadable and can be sold from anywhere around the world. They don’t need a physical store or

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