
Archetypes In Smoke Signals And Arrow Of God

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Smoke Signals and Arrow of God have similar archetypes, patterns of conflict and philosophies. Events after each protagonist’s birth are considered unusual, requiring the heroes to leave home and confront their egos. Along the way the protagonist’s each face patterns of conflict. With each heroes return the individual has been ‘reborn’ psychologically. Both heroes are affected by decolonization; therefore stoicism is prominent throughout the two tales. Arrow of God and Smoke Signals have comparable archetypes. “An Archetype is a recurrent, universal pattern that evokes a deep, emotional response in virtually all readers as it strikes a chord in their unconscious memory.” The plot structures within the two stories mirror one another. This hero sequence or plot is to be considered a universal archetype. …show more content…

A wealthy white man had been driving while intoxicated and injured those who were in the other vehicle. Victor instinctively ran for help. When help arrived the drunk driver made false police report statements against Victor claiming he was the cause of the accident. At this time Victor experiences Person versus Society conflict. When the cop questioned Victor and Thomas they thought because they were Native Americans they would ultimately be found guilty in the eyes of law enforcement. Thankfully the truth brought them freedom, and the suspect was confirmed to be the wealthy white man. Throughout Arrow of God and Smoke Signals both heroes were affected by decolonization. As a result of enduring the pressures to transition, both versions took a Stoic perspective on change. In Arrow of God the British Government received the greatest resistance from Umauro and its villagers. Where as in Smoke Signals change occurred in the past, Native Americans were merely gifted a reservation to compensate for their suppressed heritage. Victor shaped by his ancestry insisted on displaying his heritage with

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