
Article Review : I H8 Txt Msgs : How Texting Is Wrecking Our Language

Decent Essays

I will analysing two articles one of them being John Humphry’s article “I h8 txt msgs: how texting is wrecking our language” and David Crystal “2b or not 2b” analysis of text messages looking at what kind of language do they use and other kind of language devices.
The John Humphry article was written in 2007 and published online by the Daily Mail. The article is a critical opinion piece written to aggravate and prove more than inform the reader. The very attention seeking headline shows a very common journalist technique to grab the reader’s attention as well as publishing in the Daily Mail where most readers are middle aged. Whereas David Crystal, (Linguistics Professor) published his article the BBC website in 2008.

John Humphrys is portrayed as a well-spoken, educated, individual (Radio, Television Presenter and an Author) who is very worried about the English language. “Life the love affair with OED” he uses this to express how infatuated by dictionaries he is and how this article shows how hurt he is. The new edition of Oxford English dictionary came out; Humphrys uses humour to describe how the dictionary ‘has fallen victim to fashion’ because of the removal of the “hyphen” of no fewer than 16,000 words that has “betrayed” his “precious” OED. He continues ‘it has happened because we are changing the way we communicate with each other, which means…. We no longer have time to reach the hyphen key’ meaning we are becoming very lazy with the new generation of technology.

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