
Article Summary: The Case Against Homework, By Alfie Kohn

Decent Essays

There is an important debate in education over the issue of homework. While experts on the use of homework have slightly different views, they ultimately come to the same conclusion.They believe homework should not be inefficient busy work.Homework should only be given if it is efficient and beneficial to the student. In the first article, “The Case Against Homework,” Alfie Kohn thinks that homework takes up a lot of time. He also thinks it just keeps you busy and away from family, but it does not help enough to increase knowledge. In his opinion, he thinks that all homework is useless and nothing good comes out of it. Though he bluntly says how much he does not like homework, he does say that if the work given was not busy work it would be okay to have every once in awhile. My opinion on the first article is, that Kohn feels that homework is not necessary and that it is just a waste of time. For example when he wrote, “ Homework is all pain and no gain,”(Kohn 2) this shows that he thinks that mainly all homework does is take up time. This is important because it shows that he is a concerned parent that notices how much time homework takes up, but how it does not increase test scores as much as it should. As a result, Kohn wrote this article to show his compassion on his thoughts on homework, but with his thoughts he did not give enough …show more content…

For example when it says, “Here’s how it works: instead of concentrating the study of information in single blocks .... learners should encounter the same material in briefer sessions spread over a longer period of time,” (Paul 3) this shows that she agrees with homework but that it should be short with a real purpose. This is important because too much homework at one time can only hurt the student, and it expands this statement in the passage. As a result I think that they should use the techniques in this passage with all

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