
With The Dawn Of The 16th Century There Came Together In Europe

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“With the dawn of the 16th century, there came together in Europe both the motivation and the means to explore and colonize territory across the seas” With respect to religion, trade, and technology this seems to be a valid quote referring to the 16th century and how Europeans were able to accomplish colonization and exploration on the other half of the globe. Spain was successful in colonizing American territory in the 16th century because of the crucial changes made in technology. Advancements in navigation in the 1400s made it possible for European ships to make the long foreign crossing. If it weren’t for the improvements in technology then the ships wouldn’t have been able to travel on quick and light ships. Also, if the compass wasn’t invented, then there wouldn’t have been a way for the travelers to be exact on their location and landings. Trade was also a significant motivation for Europeans to “colonize territories across the seas”. Trade was one of the most effective ways to improve the economy for the Europeans, and a significant way …show more content…

This is because they wanted to find more and more people that could convert to their religion. But the Europeans also wanted to find a place with religious tolerance and there wouldn’t have been any better way than to just start off fresh and conquer or even colonize new land. Many religious conflicts were happening in Europe; such as the religious crusade that took place, which caused those who denied Catholic faith to be thrown out and told to find a new land to occupy. In turn, to get out of that ill-treatment Europeans would travel overseas to find a place where religion wasn’t as big of an issue. Since, all these events were taking place the main reason, in respect to religion, for the Europeans to travel to the New World was to either enhance religion or just run away from the problems that it caused back

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