
Assignment 1

Decent Essays

Policy and procedures are often changes in light of new evidence based practice. After education myself on the Safe to Sleep initiative, I set out to educate others. Knowing that many policy and procedure changes must go thru the quality council I began my education there before moving on to staff education. Quality team education. My concerns regarding sleep practices in the NICU were presented in a quality team meeting along with the current safe sleep recommendations. A decision was made to collect data that reflected the current sleep patterns in my unit including sleep position, extra objects in the crib, use of positioning aids, swaddling practice, and the position of the head of the crib. In this era of evidence-based practiced, …show more content…

Furthermore, the education provided helped them to understand by each illustration was a reflection of the Safe to Sleep imitative. Modeling safe sleep not only benefited infants during hospitalization but benefited them after their discharge home. Staff were to model safe sleep by placing all infants in cribs supine, on a flat surface, in a sleep sack without a hat, and no addition items in their beds except a pacifier and bulb syringe. Educate parents. Education of parents on the proper safe sleep environment should begin before the infant is born. However, NICU staff are to initiate parent education as if it is the first time that they are receiving the teaching. Not only will parents be thought the proper safe sleep environment for their infant but they will be given the rationale behind why it is beneficial for their infant. Special attention will be given to providing information in a culturally sensitive manner. Likewise, education shall be provide at the education level of the intended recipient. Follow-up out patient. Currently the NICU, where I practice, has a Nurse Navigator who makes follow-up calls to parents after their infant is discharged home from the hospital. She normally checks with the parents to see how things are going and if there was anything that cold of been done differently during their infants stay in the hospital. If is during this follow-up phone call that I would like to implement a question related their infants

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