
Assignment 2: Guiding Questions

Satisfactory Essays

Guiding Questions Name: Lindsey Hatfield
1. Sourcing: Where is Bryan speaking? What is his purpose? 

• Bryan is speaking at the Democratic National Convention. His purpose is to speak for all businessmen and not just the trader. He is there to create unity and no longer sit back and watch big business take away what is theirs.

2. Context: Based on the speech, how do you think farmers and workers were feeling about business and industry? Find a quote to support your answer. 

• I think the farmers and workers were feeling that business and industry were there to take over and destroy them. They felt disrespected and wanted the businesses and industry to know they were important for prosperity. Bryan says, “Burn down your cities and leave …show more content…

They were the ones who gave the insight to others that farmers were important to the United States as much, if not more, than the businesses and industry. Lease was out to tell others that farmers would have a time when they would be happy again after the gold, silver, and oil kings were dethroned and there was a realization that farmers were needed more than humanity realized. She stood up for them by stating, “But we shall have the golden age of which Isaiah sang and the prophets have so long foretold; when the farmers shall be prosperous and happy, dwelling under their own vine and fig tree; when the laborer shall have that for which he toils; when occupancy and use shall be the only title to land, and every one shall obey the divine injunction, “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread.” Bryan was out giving notice that farmers were businessmen. He was giving notice that they would not sit, they would not wait, and they were not going to let others walk all over them anymore. He stood up for them by stating, “We beg no longer; we entreat no more; we petition no more. We defy them....” He was standing up for them, just as Lease was. He was no longer willing to let anyone walk over them as businessmen. Speakers like Lease and Bryan were popular because they saw farmers as equals and were willing to fight for

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