
Similarities Between Atkins And Fadkins

Better Essays

Katelyn Gibbs
Professor Hayes
Anatomy and Physiology Atkins or “Fadkins” ? Questions:
Section I:
1. First, find out what nutrients Janine and Mitchell are talking about. Using a biology textbook and the resources listed, describe what the following molecules are and what they are used for in the human body. List some specific examples of each. Also list major dietary sources of each.
a. Proteins- macromolecules made of amino acids. Proteins have many functions in the body. Some sources of proteins are whole-grain cereals, dark breads,rice, beans, and meat. Proteins are:
-forming collagen and keratin
-transporting molecules in the blood
-quicken chemical reactions b. …show more content…

This makes it hard to lose large amounts of weight.

3. What is “metabolism”? What does human metabolism have to do with energy balance and body weight? Answer: metabolism- the chemical processes that occur within a living organism in order to maintain life. Food is measured in calories which the body processes as energy. Additional calories must be burned through exercise or physical activity or it will be stored as fat.
4. Janine said that increasing muscle mass increases metabolism. Is she right? If so, how does his work? If not, why not? Check a biology textbook for information on structure of muscle cells for clues. Answer: Muscle is a living tissue and it requires energy to sustain it. The more muscle mass you have, the more energy you need to sustain it.
5. Which substances supply energy to the human body? Answer: Water, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins, and lipids. Section III:
1. What is meant by “sugar”? What is a “carbohydrate”? How are “sugars” and “carbohydrates” related? Answer: Sugar- a sweet tasting carbohydrate found in living tissues and exemplified by glucose and sucrose. Carbohydrate-molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The body converts carbohydrates into sugar.
2. Janine mentioned blood sugar levels, which puzzled Mitchell. What does blood have to do with sugar? How do endocrine hormones control blood sugar levels? Why is the homeostasis

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