
Essay about Australian Economy Post World War I

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It has been argued that after World War 1, Australia gained more than it lost. Even though there were many lives lost during the war, these losses didn’t hold Australia back as a country. Australia was fortunate enough to come out of the war with more than they put into the war. Some of these gains are - There economy boomed, the relationship between Australia and Britain was stronger, the women replaced the men's jobs, many immigrants were encouraged to migrate to Australia. Although Australia gained many things they still lost a lot. These were things such as Australia spent a lot of money, they lost many troops and lost trade with Germany. Although Australia lost some things, they were outweighed by the things they …show more content…

During the war the British soldiers looked up to the Australian soldiers because of their spirit. The Australian soldiers also looked up to the British soldiers and called England the Mother Country. Also the Australians liked to call themselves British. Lastly Britain bought a lot of Australia’s wheat to commemorate their war effort

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What did all the women do during the war?

With half a million men away at war, leaving their day to day jobs, who replaced the the workers? The women did. Women replaced the men's jobs such as munitions factory workers, sewing bandages, and selling war bonds, shipyards and spies. This is good because before the war women were unimportant and were only aloud in the kitchen The only negative about the women working in the men’s jobs was they didn’t get paid as much as the men. The number of women in the workforce rose from 24% to 37%. This is close to 500,000 women to close to one million women. This says that in the workforce, women rose in a total of 500,000.

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Why did all the immigrants settle to Australia?

With the already little population of 5 million Australian people and the loss of 300,000 men, this should have been a dark time, but to make up on that loss Australia received 300,000 migrants. These Migrants came from Britain. As there was a large amount of unemployment the British government encouraged the people of britain to migrate to Australia. Also the

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