
Australian Unity Essay

Decent Essays

Australian Unity has dedicated positions to oversee processes, polices and the integration into the governance structure of the organisation (both corporate and home services).
Australian Unity has a comprehensive policy and procedure library held on a shared document web based system. Appendix xx)

Work Health and Safety (WH&S)
Australian Unity has a comprehensive Work Health and Safety system comprising policies, procedures and designated staff, as part of ‘Our Way of Being Safe’ culture. This includes Safe Operating procedures for all common home care activities. Knowledge and understanding of WH&S policy and procedures is assessed annually via a training module through Safetrac, an on-line system that includes a tutorial and assessment …show more content…

a hospital admission or a change of accommodation). The outcome is discussed with the client, their carer, and any relevant family members. Options to mitigate risks are agreed and documented in Safetrac, where required control strategies are monitored to ensure they are implemented.
There is a system and procedure for reporting incidents and identified hazards, which are documented in Safetrac. CLMs are responsible for ensuring the incidents/hazards are assessed and managed appropriately. Branches also have access to Health & Safety Consultants, who can assist with incident investigations, identifying suitable control measures. A dedicated Move Safe team is also available to help with complex manual handling requirements.
Attendant Care Workers are provided with required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that includes disposable gloves, non-slip over shoes.

Human Resource Risks
• Australian Unity manages Human Resource risk via the following:
• A Code of Conduct describes expected behaviours of all employees;
• A performance management system provides guidance in managing instances where employees contravene the code
• Dedicated Human Resource employees to assist with all industrial issues
• Dedicated Talent Acquisition Team to resource the recruitment of attendant care

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