
Beah Rhetorical Devices

Decent Essays

Many people say that war is worse than Hell because innocent people die in it. In Beah’s life, this is most definitely true. Throughout the war, Beah goes through many hardships and witnesses the deaths of innocent loved ones, and Beah’s writing reflects how he felt during these times. Beah uses rhetorical strategies like diction, imagery, and detail choice to convey the emotional process he had to undergo in order to survive.
Beah goes through a couple different stages in his emotional process, with the first being fear and shock. Imagery best captures these emotions as it describes what happens and what Beah feels in vivid detail. The first time Beah sees war he describes what he sees, “In the back of the van were three more dead bodies, …show more content…

Detail choice is used to help describe this emotional process of obliviousness. When Beah and the group of boys are captured for example, Beah says, “As we walked, we examined the rope marks on our wrists and laughed about what happened to avoid crying” (68). To avoid confronting their negative feelings, the boys simply joked about the situation they were in, despite it being a very dangerous and scary experience. To escape his thoughts, Beah would do activities he wouldn’t usually do. This led him to doing this, “I went to the river, dove into the water, and sat at the bottom, but my thoughts followed me” (72). Another example of how Beah tried to avoid his thoughts would be when he was dancing with villagers. He said, “I also wondered a bit why the villagers were so kind to us, but I didn’t dwell on these thoughts, because I wanted to enjoy myself” (72). Beah only ever wanted to feel happy, resulting him abandoning most of his thoughts, and thinking in general, as all he could ever think about was the trauma that had happened to him. Overall, detail choice is used to help visualize and simultaneously emphasize what Beah says, thinks, feels, and sees, which, unfortunately, was not a lot as Beah didn’t want tp think about

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