
Becoming A Nurse Admission Essay

Decent Essays

When deciding on a career, psychologists suggest that one considers their childhood activities and life experiences. As children, we often are engrossed in activities that bring us the greatest delight and contentment. In adults, these feelings are experienced as stimulation and satisfaction. For me, my deepest passion is to care for others as a nurse.
In my youth, I enjoyed playing with and caring for my dolls. However, the idea of being a nurse hadn’t crossed my mind. As I grew older my cousin David was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 8. The final of his thirty-two surgeries disabled him, drastically changing his life. David’s family and I stayed with and cared for him through countless days and nights. Having to see David go through so much pain, endure the drastic changes, and become vulnerable caused me to feel hopeless. Although I was unaware of it at the …show more content…

This passion was realized during my last few months volunteering at the Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH). At TCH, I was able to experience, in detail, provider to patient care. Because of the connection that I felt with patients, I would like to become a powerful advocate, promoting good health, helping to prevent diseases, and educating the public about important health issues and how nurses positively impact this environment.
My beliefs and values as a caregiver are uniquely different-the health of a person is a balance between the mind, body, and the soul. Healing is achieved not only externally through medicines or surgery but also internally through psychological healing. This process will help increase recovery time. I want to give caregiver a new and more profound meaning by providing my future patients a holistic level of care and attention. Medicines can heal a person temporarily through time, but the healing of a soul and mind will lasts a

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