
Bel 311 Week 3 Portfolio Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

My artifacts for this assignment are “Thomas-Kilmann Instrument” for conflict management, “Observer feedback sheet” I received from my colleague after the oral presentation that I gave in class and “The Competent Communicator graphic” provided by our instructor Amanda Le Rougetel. My reason behind using these documents as artifacts because these documents reflect my personality as a communicator. These documents made me realize on which parts of my communication style I have to work to become a competent communicator.
I completed Thomas-Kilmann questionnaire in class of Managerial Communication as a part of activity. This questionnaire helped me to recognize my conflict management style which is “Collaborating” as I chose collaborating approach to answer most of the questions that is 9 out of 30. This means I want to solve the conflict or problem rather than ignoring it. I chose competing method only for 3 question. I think, I need to start take stand for the things I believe correct because otherwise it will become really difficult for me to survive in work place where everyone have to compete …show more content…

More effective the presentation more will be the chances of selection of your idea. Presentation does not include only words you speak but it also include how you deliver them. Tone, gestures and confidence plays crucial role in presentation. Everyone gets nervous during presentation but effective communicator have ability to show appropriate behavior according to the situation (Interpersonal skills). During my presentation cultural sensitivity was the issue as I did not show it. I am an international student, I have different accent and I speak English little faster than normal. Because of that sometimes audience could not understand what I speak. But to become an effective communicator I have to adjust myself according to this new

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