
Benefits Cost And Economic Impact Assessments

Good Essays

Chapter 4: Benefit-Cost Analysis

1.1 Modeling Approach

The following sections summarizes the types of Benefits, outcomes that have been identified for the project and the assessment approach adopted within the benefit-cost and economic impact assessments.
The time horizon of the benefit-cost analysis covers the construction period from 2015-2019 for each alternatives, and an operational period for 35years. All benefits are expressed in constant dollars, and discounted to 8%.
In addition to the benefit-cost analysis, a separate analysis was run to quantify economic impacts related to short-term job creation from construction and long-term job creation from transportation efficiency gains that affect business operations
1.2 Benefit-Cost Analysis of Champlain Bridge Replacement
In this project the major focus to choose two alternatives of replacing the Champlain Bridge, instead of “doing nothing” maintain the existing bridge, which is the service life reached the end. Also, due to the huge needs of major rehabilitation, repairs in sequence to keep it useful. The Champlain Bridge is the main bridge connecting the Montreal island to south shore. The existing composite concrete-steel bridge has 6 lanes with daily traffic 145,000 vehicle (Ferguson, 2011) Project Cost
Design and construction of the Champlain Bridge replacement are scheduled to occur in the four-year period from 2015-2019. During construction, the current bridge will remain in place. In undiscounted terms,

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