
Best Movie Research Paper

Decent Essays

Best Movie going experiences

La La Land La La Land is very good. I saw it twice in theaters, which is odd for me because my preferred method of consuming media is illegally pirating it (NSA, I know you’re reading this, but this confession is not admissible in court, ok? ok.) Anyway, the second time I saw La La Land it was an 8:00 showing on a Wednesday in Cedar Rapids that I had to scramble to get to because I left work and didn’t get any supper. So we stopped at Hy Vee, picked up some to go boxes of chinese food, and tried to figure out the best way to smuggle the food into a theater. Thankfully, I was with a girl who was infamous for her mom purses. Precariously setting the containers vertically into her purse, the contents of which I unceremoniously dumped in the back seat, and draping a scarf over the top of the food …show more content…

I thought I had outsmarted the Dubuque AMC by using an automated ticket machine rather than going to a cashier, but I was flanked. A very ugly teenage boy who worked at the cinema was lurking outside the entrance of the theater. It was a trap! Panicking, I pulled my wallet out of my back pocket to show my ID, not sure if I’d be able to get my $6 refunded. Luckily, high schoolers don’t care about literally anything and the dude let me pass. So, yeah, let’s get to the aforementioned stereotypes. Devyn, Amber, and I were the only white people in the theater. Y’know the old stereotype about how black people like to yell at horror movies? I don’t want to perpetuate stereotypes, buuuuuuuuuuuut. Don’t Breathe is a horror movie. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt at a scene where the female lead is nearly forcefully impregnated via turkey baster because a hundred odd teenagers were screaming at the screen in effort to replace abject terror with some semblance of control over the situation. It was like being surrounded by the robots from Mystery Science Theatre

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