
Beta Fish Data

Decent Essays

1) To summarize the results of these experiments a number of descriptive statistical measures could be used. As we are most interested in answering questions about what affects mate choice, how mate competition plays out, and how the two may be related though, a few sets of descriptive statistical measures would best serve to characterize our findings with respect to these questions being asked. First to present general trends in display times in front of females a graph of the average display times of male fish in female presence could be included with breakouts on males with respect to size (larger, smaller, equal), dominance status (non-dominate, dominate, and co-dominate) and color (red vs blue). Included on this graph bar graph of means, …show more content…

The first step in determining the specific types of statistical tests we could conduct however, is determining whether to utilize parametric or non-parametric tests. While parametric tests would provide us with greater power to detect possible treatment affects, since our collected data appears non-normal, and for the most part is not of the ratio or interval variety, I would elect to use non-parametric tests for the statistical analysis of our results. Following this then, a number of questions can be formulated to be asked of our data, with two major categories arising, one with questions dealing with mate choice and the other with questions involving mate competition. With respect to mate competition one could attempt to determine: 1: How the size of the male equated to its dominance status? a. As this begs a question of one specified population, namely was the larger fish more also more dominate, and since the data is nominal in nature (only three simple classes exist (dominate, non-dominate, and co-dominate) , a chia squared test could be conducted to determine if the two characteristics are independent of one another or not. 2: How display time was related to a fish’s dominance …show more content…

a. Here we are interested in female choice out of a set of nominal data, and as such chia squared one sample test could be conducted to determine whether or not the female showed any preference based on dominance status of the male fish. 4: Did the female show any preference in mate choice based on mate display time? a. Here we are looking for a correlation between display time by the male fish and how it relates to the female’s respective mate choice. As we are looking for a correlation we could conduct a spearman correlation test to see if any relationship between these two variables is present. 5: Was there any preference for the female to choose a mate based simply on the side of the tank he was located in? a. Here we are again testing a one sample nominal set of data, and as such a chia squared could be carried out to determine if tank side had any influence on mate choice of the female. In a sense this test is serving as a type of control to help us potentially eliminate from our confounding variables any potential effects male location may have in the influencing the female mate

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