
Beyond The Boundaries By Larry Lankton

Decent Essays

In Larry Lankton’s text, “Beyond the Boundaries” we gradually enter an unknown world that is frightening yet filled with immense beauty for miles. Due to the copper mining industry, a gradual increase of working class men and their families start to migrate to the unknown world with unsteady emotion, yet hope for a prosperous new life. In “Beyond the Boundaries”, Lankton takes us on a journey on how the “world below” transformed the upper peninsula into a functional and accepted new part of the world. As we first enter the upper peninsula in Lankton’s text we come to understand how different this part of the world was from the rest of the “world below”. As travelers started moving into the region they became amazed by how unique the land truly was “ Those who traveled through or settled on the Keweenaw Peninsula or Isle Royale were almost universally struck by its remoteness and by how greatly it differed from other places they had lived”(8). As people first start moving into the upper Peninsula they start to understand that along with its beauty and contrast comes a strong and fierce environment. With its long winter 's, deep waters, and unbearable pests it made it extremely difficult for people from the “world below” to move into the region “In 1855, the last supply ship of the year bound for Ontonagon has to cut its voyage short to escape oncoming winter”(12). Not only did the winter 's hold up travel but the severe storms in Lake Superior often lead to death. The

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