
Biblical Allusions In Eudora Welty's A Worn Path

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In her short story “A Worn Path”, Eudora Welty incorporates many instances of biblical allusions and racism both within the plot and the main character herself. These aspects of the story, while periodically difficult to recognize, are parts of what make the story and Eudora Welty’s writing so eccentric. At first glance, readers may simply believe they are witnessing the journey of an elderly black woman fetching medicine for her ill-stricken grandson. However, as they dig deeper within the text, they find that Welty’s writing contains much deeper messages and aspects that mimic those found within modern society.
Allusions to the Christian bible are a common tool used within “A Worn Path”. To begin explaining its prevalence, it is worth noting that even the main character’s name has a meaning deeper than one may predict. Phoenix, the first name of the main character, is also the species of a mythical bird often found in ancient literature written by both the Greeks and early Christians. For context, the bird was described by the Greeks as being about the size of an eagle, with a ring of light surrounding its body to symbolize its connection to the sun. Most importantly, though, it had the unique ability of regenerating after death. Marilynn Keys, an english professor at the University of Arkansas Little Rock, explains the correlation between the mythical creature and Christianity best in her work “”A Worn Path’: The Way of Dispossession”. She states “The Phoenix figure was often used in early Christian art and literature where it was a popular symbol for the resurrection of Christ” [Keys 354]. Keys implies that both Jesus and the Phoenix share the similar ‘trait’ of regenerating after death, where Jesus resurrects after dying on the cross and the bird regenerates into a newborn version of itself.
Aside from her name, more obvious allusions to the Bible are seen within Phoenix’s journey. For instance, a major similarity is found when Phoenix fell into the ditch surrounded by oak trees. The book states “A black dog with a lolling tongue came up out of the weeds by the ditch. She was meditating, and not ready, and when he came at her she only hit him a little with her cane. Over she went in the ditch, like a

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